ucanet DNS server: ucanet Installation - Guide Video Tutorial  Title: how to install ucanet. View on BitView YouTube 240tube ucanet browser Want a quick and easy way to access ucanet websites on Windows? Download and try the ucanet browser! ucanet HTTP proxy [beta] Some users are (understandably) concerned about changing their DNS server to the one ucanet provides. If you want to avoid this and still access the ucanet, you can set your browser's HTTP Proxy to and port to 5443. Mac OSX First, open System Preferences.  Navigate to Network under Internet & Network.  Select your internet adapater, and click Configure  Go to the TCP/IP tab and type the ucanet DNS server ip address under "DNS Servers". Then press "Apply Now"  Mac OS 8/9x 1. Go to the TCP/IP control panel and write down all the settings except nameserver. 2. Select manual, then type all the noted down settings and then on the name server addr, enter ucanet dns 3. Restart your Mac. 4. Profit Windows It is recommended to use the ucanet browser to avoid changing secure system settings. Download and use the ucanet browser! or... For Users on a Dial-up Connection: Go to My Computer>Dialup Networking. Right-click your internet connection and select Properties. A window will open - click the Server Types tab. Click TCP/IP Settings. For All Other Users: Go to Control Panel>Network Connections and select your local network. Click Properties, then select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Click Properties. You will see a window like the one below - this is the Internet Protocol window. Select "Use the following DNS server addresses" and enter the ucanet DNS server ip in the space provided. GNU/Linux For GNU, this may vary depending on your configurations. Run the following command: sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf and comment out any nameservers (using #). Then add the line nameserver (IP OF UCANET DNS). Press CTRL+X, then Y to save. Example below: Other Platforms... We will add other platform guides here later. But if you know how to change the DNS server of your device, you should be able to do it without any issue. |